"Half The Man" written by kay/smith

Yesterday I was*Half the man I used to be*Oh, maybe that's because*You're the other half of me*Like the spring in bloom*The summer of our love is soon*Every bird will sing*The melody of our love tune.

Sent down from above*Unconditionally love*Likened to a flower*Stronger love grows by the hour*Stormy weather days*Make us go our separate ways*Where our love was so at ease*Now you got me down on my knees.

Yesterday I was*Brighter than the morning sun*Now my love is lost*And lonely days have just begun*A solitary chai*rFor a silent love affair*A king lost his throne*And now he sits alone.

in Jamiroquai "The Return of the Space Cowboy "


Anónimo disse…
Quanto se perde por gestos inúteis, palavras-estilhaço que rasgam a alma, momentos sem minutos, horas, dias, semanas, meses, que fogem como areia entre as mãos...O inebriar dos sentidos esfuma-se, os doces sabores, as tentadoras carícias, engolidas pelo cambalear dos dias, e sem o mapa do amor, perdem-se no deserto da saudade...

Se ao menos o tempo voltasse atrás...
PK disse…
wow i ts nice
PK disse…
wow i ts nice

ill send this to my friends

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